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What´s your job, Shabbir Shaikh?
What impact does the Artificial Intelligence Center of Excellence (AI CoE) have on Fresenius’ business segments? Shabbir Shaikh is an AI CoE Principal Consultant in this relatively new and dynamic team. In this interview, he tells us why he sees this as a special phase in his career.
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Day in the life: A working day with Konstantin Kasatschkov from Fresenius
The search for and selection of suitable job candidates, the handling of recruitment processes and the targeted development of a candidate pool. This and much more is part of Konstantin's job. He is a Recruiting Manager at Fresenius and is responsible for recruiting new employees for Fresenius Digital Technology and the corporate division of Fresenius SE. In this video, Konstantin shows what his working day at Fresenius headquarters in Bad Homburg looks like.
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What´s your job, Ferdinand Nitschke?
Ferdinand Nitschke is Head of Digital and part of the Executive Leadership Team at Helios Germany. He is responsible for digital transformation as part of this role. What precisely does his work involve and what challenges does he face in his job? How does Helios utilize new technologies like AI to improve patient care? Ferdinand reveals all this and more in the following interview.
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Fresenius Kabi sets standards: Sustainability Award for CO₂ reduction project in Friedberg
With its innovative CO₂ reduction project, Fresenius Kabi has once again shown how sustainable transformation can succeed in industry. At the Environmental Forum in Berlin, the Friedberg project was presented with the Sustainability Championship Award 2024 in the Energy Transformation category, having already won in the “Impact” category at the Fresenius Kabi Championship Day 2024. This commitment to a greener future shows how economic success and environmental protection can go hand in hand. At the congress, Fresenius Kabi was represented by Hans-Christian Meyer, Head of Global Advanced Manufacturing Operations, and Tobias Listmann, Director Operations Processes.
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What´s your job, Manikandan Sundarraj?
How can you utilize artificial intelligence to find solutions for difficult challenges in business? Manikandan Sundarraj is an AI developer and data scientist at the AI Center of Excellence at Fresenius Digital Technology (FDT). In this interview, he shares insights about his role and experiences.
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Data Science and AI: dual student Jonathon reports
Read in the interview with Jonathon Albert Olson, dual student at Fresenius, what motivated him to choose this particular degree program, what his personal expectations of the training at Fresenius are and his plans for the future.
Digital Career
“Our job is to protect the entire value chain”
Of course, a health care company handles a great deal of sensitive data. What risks is it exposed to as a result? What can be done to safeguard production sites and clinics? Is cybersecurity as...
Digital Career
Improving processes with a clear view
When intensive care units have to switch from providing post-operative care to artificial respiration, that not only has consequences for the equipment and nursing care. It also affects the demand...
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Fresenius honors jubilarians with the “Fresenius AllStar Forest”
Fresenius employees have planted the “Fresenius AllStar Forest” in Schmitten im Taunus. With each sapling planted, our company symbolically thanks employees who have been with the company for ten, 20, 25, 30, 35 or 40 years for their commitment.
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Fresenius Principles in Action: Championship Days 2024
Since 2019, the Global Competence Cluster for Energy and Water Management of Fresenius Kabi has organized the Championship Day, an idea competition designed to harness the collective creativity of our teams worldwide. It invites all Fresenius Kabi employees to team up, brainstorm, and develop projects to improve our environmental performance. Colleagues from all over the world participated in the Championship Day 2024, generating hundreds of ideas – in line with the Fresenius Principle: We act today for a better tomorrow.
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The Fresenius Women's Initiative
Over 300 members in the network set an example for diversity and equitable opportunities: To address full equity for women from economic, cultural, and social perspective at Fresenius, committed female employees founded the Fresenius Women’s Initiative (FWI) more than a year ago. Their vision: To create a strong network for women who want to take control of their careers at Fresenius and go their own way, despite the many stumbling blocks. This article explains what the people behind the initiative have instigated and achieved so far and, above all, what their plans for the future are.
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What´s your job, Edward Aston?
What is it like to work at the Artificial Intelligence Center of Excellence (AI CoE) at Fresenius? Edward Aston has been with Fresenius for several years and is now part of the AI CoE team founded at the beginning of 2024. In this interview, he talks about why he enjoys working there so much.
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Day in the life: A workday with Mohamed Shaalan from Fresenius Kabi
Join our Fresenius Kabi colleague Mohamed Shaalan from Egypt! Mohamed is Head of IT & Digital Northeast Africa & Middle East at the Fresenius Kabi Scientific Office Cairo. Learn more about his daily work and get insights into his tasks.
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Women in Science: Luisa Mau about her career in natural sciences
Join the conversation as remarkable colleagues from Fresenius Kabi discuss their journeys and offer guidance for aspiring scientists. Discover their personal experiences, challenges faced, and invaluable advice for women aspiring to pursue careers in science. From overcoming obstacles to pioneering groundbreaking research, these trailblazing women inspire and empower with their stories of resilience, innovation, and determination.
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Day in the life: A workday with Meng Qing at the Fresenius Kabi Wuxi Plant
Meet our Fresenius Kabi colleague Meng Qing from China! Meng is Production Manager in the Enteral Nutrition Production Department at the Fresenius Kabi Wuxi plant, located right beside the beautiful Taihu Lake. Follow him along as he takes us directly to Wuxi plant and shares some insights into his workday.
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Workplace Insights: What Our Horexstraße Office Has to Offer
Our office building Horexstraße has a lot to offer – from a relaxed journey to team meetings on the rooftop terrace and enjoyable coffee breaks. Curious to learn more? Follow working student Saskia through the building and get exciting insights behind the scenes of working at the Horexstraße!
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Workplace Insights: Behind the scenes at Fresenius
Fresenius represents medical products, clinics and health care facilities. But what does it actually look like behind the scenes of a global operating healthcare group? Join our colleague Paula from...
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Kickstart Your Career: Tips for Motivation, Networking and Job Applications
Are you looking to kickstart your success in the professional world? Motivation, networking, and a strong online presence are key! In this Mini-Mic interview, you’ll receive practical tips on how to stay motivated, build a professional network, and avoid common mistakes in your job application. Whether you're freshly graduated or already in the workforce – these tips are beneficial for everyone!
Career Tips
Four Tips for a Successful Presentation
Whether it's directly in the application process, in your job, or during your next university presentation: You will always be faced with the task of presenting your ideas to an audience. And being...
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Innovations in medicine: The use of Augmented Reality in the OR
When the spine is operated on, mere millimeters can be critical. For such highly complex procedures, surgeons need sound judgment, precise spatial awareness, the capacity for abstraction – and a skilled pair of hands. Yet by their very nature, humans frequently reach the limits of their abilities. That is why many hospitals have for a long time been using high-resolution three-dimensional images and surgical navigation systems, such as spinal navigation, to perform their work. But all of this is only the start. The Helios Hospital Berlin-Buch is one of the first hospitals in Germany to use augmented reality in the operating room.
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Great Atmosphere at the Summer Campus Festival 2024
We are excited to reflect on a fantastic Summer Campus Festival! With over 3,500 participants, the campus in Bad Homburg was filled with joy. The atmosphere was incredible: whether at the foosball table, on the bouncy castle, or on the dance floor – smiling faces could be seen all around. Delicious treats catered to everyone's tastes, from refreshing soft ice cream to savory tarte flambée and summery punch. There was so much to celebrate: the success of our transformation, our new brand design, and above all, the amazing people who made it all possible: our employees!
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Fresenius Kabi is “Top Employer 2024” in nine countries
Quality seals create trust – including on the job market. Partly for sought-after external specialists who choose their jobs very carefully. Such a certificate can make it easier for them to opt for a particular company. And partly for the employees themselves: A company with an award like the “Top Employer Certificate” promotes an attractive working environment and has an interest in constantly improving working conditions.
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