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FDT Cloud Services

Focus on: Cloud Services

Modern IT relies on cloud technologies. Our mission is to make these technologies available to all areas of the Fresenius Group.

On cloud nine

Cloud Services at Fresenius Digital Technology

As a modern healthcare group, Fresenius sets itself the challenge of being innovative and efficient, agile and flexible, and on a constant path of improvement. Available, scalable and secure modern IT is the key to all of this. The Cloud Services department at Fresenius Digital Technology (FDT) plays an important role here: In short, it ensures that the cloud services’ architecture and applications function reliably and that patient data is protected at all times.

Kai Schwarzmaier
„Everyone is talking about cloud services. We are the ones who implement and advance them within the group.”
Kai Schwarzmaier,Director Cloud Services

Our tasks

The Fresenius Group has largely completed the transition from the classic world of (on-premise) data centers to cloud-based services. As part of a global transformation project, we migrated the most important physical data centers in Germany, the USA, and Asia-Pacific to the cloud. But our work is by no means done. We also focus on constantly improving processes and on automating and scaling systems and applications.

In addition, we support other national group subsidiaries as they too migrate their data and processes to the cloud. Our tasks range from designing the various architectures to server administration, database management, tools and applications, backup services, and troubleshooting. The classic operational levels are covered by an external partner, so our focus is on design, architecture, and the strategic development of services.

Who we are looking for

Gruppenfoto von Team Cloud.
5 Personen von Team Cloud.
Person am Schreibtisch sitzend mit Laptop vor zwei Monitoren. Programme zum Thema Cloud sichtbar.
Zwei Personen sprechen über das Thema Cloud in Meetingraum.
Drei Personen sitzen in Meetingraum.
Gruppenfoto von Team Cloud.
5 Personen von Team Cloud.

We are looking for IT professionals with excellent technical credentials and an appropriate skillset, perhaps from a technical degree or training program in IT system integration, application development, or previous training in a similar field. In-depth specialist knowledge is not essential but a willingness to keep learning is vital.

We are looking for solution-oriented colleagues who want to make a difference in a large company. If you are willing to adapt, bring enthusiasm and a positive attitude, you can achieve great things here. We welcome experienced colleagues who are not deterred by resistance and who are able to identify the less obvious solutions.

Areas of work

We cover the entire range of cloud services, such as infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and container as a service (CaaS). We define the cloud architecture and ensure data security and compliance. It is essential that we have an in-depth understanding of the group’s business needs and are able to provide expert support for the services required to ensure “good working practice” (summarized as GxP), which is particularly necessary in the healthcare industry. This work also encompasses “good manufacturing practice” (GMP), which includes guidelines for quality assurance in the manufacturing of active ingredients and pharmaceuticals, for example.

We work closely with related departments at FDT, as we naturally touch upon many areas in IT. This includes IT Security – after all, security is a top priority for cloud services. Creating and maintaining high standards is essential here, especially for a healthcare group. Application Operations is also an important partner, as is Enterprise Architecture. As with all of Fresenius’ IT departments, our major challenge lies in the fact that the various locations and business units in the group are so different. But this is also what makes it so interesting!

Example projects

The major transformation project involved migrating systems from the global data centers to the cloud. This naturally resulted in follow-up projects, such as adapting the applications to the new architecture so that they also work well in the cloud.

Further modernization projects, such as “Kabi Next”, are following on from this. Here we are supporting Fresenius Kabi in modernizing its cloud landscapes. The goal here is to ensure that the business can take full advantage of the benefits of the cloud. This is achieved through things like artificial intelligence, platform services and containerization, i.e. the dismantling of operating systems into individual parts that can then be used more efficiently. Applications run in isolated user areas (containers).

We are also supporting the deconsolidation of Fresenius Medical Care (FMC): We are taking a so-called “green field approach” and building a completely new cloud landscape for FMC. We connect our cloud landscape to this new cloud landscape and then migrate everything that belongs to FMC to the new one. At the end of the process, the FMC landscape is separated from ours on the network side so it can run completely autonomously.

Join the Cloud Services team!

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