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Equal treatment and opportunities for all

At Fresenius, everybody is welcome. Because we are convinced that combining different perspectives, opinions, experiences, cultures and values enables us to harness the potential that will make us even more successful.

Did you know?

Facts and Figures

The diversity of our markets and locations is also reflected in the workforce of our businesses. In order to integrate equal opportunities into all processes and workflows and to overcome barriers or unconscious bias, Group and its operating companies implement development concepts that are adapted to the requirements of their respective business models and regions.


Helios hospitals in Germany offer childcare services.


different nationalities are part of our workforce.

Since 2019

there has been a queer community at the Helios hospital Berlin-Buch.

Diversity Charter

By signing the German "Charta der Vielfalt" (Diversity Charter) we are taking a strong stance for diversity and an inclusive corporate culture in which every employee is treated equally and provided with the same opportunities to grow.

Some activities at Fresenius

Our Helios Kliniken in Germany train employees to become integration managers in order to support foreign colleagues on their arrival in Germany in dealing with authorities and in other situations.

We offer learning formats directed toward recognizing and overcoming unconscious bias and underlying assumptions that we might have about other people or groups.

Learn more: Our Sustainability Reports

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