HomeJob Search(Senior) Consultant Cyber …
Bad Homburg, DEUPermanentFull time

(Senior) Consultant Cyber Incident Response (m/w/d)

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Wir sind das Cyber-Defense-Team von Fresenius und gehören zum Group Cybersecurity Office (GCSO). Auch in der Gesundheitsversorgung schreitet die digitale Transformation mit neuen Therapieansätzen und innovativen Plattformen, die das medizinische Personal entlasten, unaufhaltsam voran. Unsere Aufgabe ist es, die digitale Wertschöpfung von Fresenius gegen Cyber-Angriffe zu schützen. Ist das Ihr Ding? Dann entwickeln Sie mit uns gemeinsam kreative und unkonventionelle Lösungen, um zu jeder Zeit optimal auf neue Cyber-Bedrohungen vorbereitet zu sein und unsere Patient:innen bestmöglich zu schützen. 

Ihre Aufgaben

  • Im Daily Business identifizieren, bewerten und beheben Sie zuverlässig Cyber-Security-Incidents in direkter Kommunikation mit den betroffenen Stakeholdern.

  • Die hier gewonnen Einsichten nutzen Sie für den Auf- und Ausbau der vorhandenen Threat Hunting Fähigkeiten zum proaktiven Erkennen von Bedrohungen auf Basis von aktuellen Threat Intelligence Informationen.

  • Wir zählen auf Ihr Know-how bei der Weiterentwicklung bestehender Prozesse und Technologien zur Verbesserung unserer Incident-Response-Aktivitäten. Hierfür bewerten Sie auch Trends und neue Technologien zur Erkennung und Adressierung von Cyber-Attacken und erstellen entsprechende Entscheidungsvorlagen zur Weiterentwicklung der Technologien.

  • Sie optimieren unsere Logging- und Monitoring-Tools (SIEM) zur Erkennung und Analyse von Cyber-Bedrohungen.

  • Dazu etablieren Sie ein Threat Management Framework sowie einen Prozess zum Austausch von Informationen über Bedrohungsszenarien und Sicherheitsvorfälle.

  • Ob Sie Security-Lösungen zur Erkennung und Behebung spezialisierter Cyber-Attacken entwickeln und implementieren oder Penetrationstests zur Bewertung des Sicherheits-Levels und Schließung kritischer Schwachstellen durchführen: Sie sind mit Herzblut dabei.

  • Last but not least kümmern Sie sich um Aufbereitung der Bedrohungslandschaft und wesentlicher Kennzahlen zur Berichterstattung an relevante Stakeholder.

Ihr Profil

  • Expertenwissen im Bereich Cybersicherheit mit Erfahrung in der Erkennung, forensischen Analyse und Vermeidung von Bedrohungen/Risiken bzw. in der Gefahrenabwehr (Cybersecurity Incident Forensics)

  • Sicherer Umgang mit Security-Intelligence- und Analytics-Tools, idealerweise auch im Kontext eines Information Security Management System (ISMS)

  • Friendly-Hacking-Fähigkeiten, gerne untermauert durch eine Zertifizierung zum Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) bzw. zum CISSP, CISM und/oder CISA

  • Einblicke in CERT-/SOC-Prozesse und -Kommunikationswege sowie ins Thema Automatisierung (z. B. via Python)

  • Englisch und Deutsch fließend in Wort und Schrift

  • Teamplayerpersönlichkeit mit einer hohen Lernbereitschaft und strukturierten Arbeitsweise sowie guten analytischen und möglichst auch forensischen Fähigkeiten

Klingt spannend? Dann freuen wir uns auf Ihre Bewerbung mit Angabe Ihrer Gehaltsvorstellung.

Your benefits

Hybrid Working

Hybrid Working

Working from home or in the office or both? There are various offers for hybrid working that give you a lot of flexibility.
Health at Work

Health at Work

We offer you a wide range of sports, nutrition trainings and preventative services.
Pension Plan

Pension Plan

At Fresenius, you receive an employer-funded company pension plan in addition to your salary.
Learning offerings

Learning offerings

We offer training courses and seminars on various topics to promote your professional and individual development.
Transport Connection

Transport Connection

Most of our locations are very well connected to highways, bus stops or train stations.
Long-term Account

Long-term Account

Whether it's training, caring for family members, early retirement or a period of absence - the long-term account offers various time-off options.
Corporate Catering

Corporate Catering

Our company restaurants provide you with freshly prepared meals every day.
Food Allowance

Food Allowance

You can purchase food and drinks at a discounted price in our company restaurants.


To get you off to a good start with us, there are onboarding measures for optimal integration.
Parking Lots

Parking Lots

Free parking lots are available at many of our locations.


In combination with the long-term account, you have the option of taking a longer period of time off.
Sports Activities

Sports Activities

Depending on the location, we offer a wide range of sports activities - from company runs and sports badges to tournaments and competitions.
Employee Participation Program

Employee Participation Program

With Fresenius SHARE, we let our employees participate in the company's performance through a share program; in addition, we enable them to buy shares at very favorable conditions.
Individual Professional Development

Individual Professional Development

We promote you with professional development programs and support lifelong learning throughout your career.
E-Charching Stations

E-Charching Stations

At our headquarters, we provide free charging stations for employees with electric cars.
Fitness Cooperations

Fitness Cooperations

You can benefit from fitness cooperations and special conditions at sports and wellness facilities.
Employee Discounts

Employee Discounts

We offer you to benefit from a program with attractive discounts on products and services from well-known retailers.
After Work Academy

After Work Academy

In a compact form, you will receive expert input on current and relevant topics and learn about excerpts of our learning offering.


Depending on the business segment, you are granted up to 30 vacation days per year.
Christmas and Vacation Bonus

Christmas and Vacation Bonus

With us, you receive both Christmas and vacation bonuses in addition to your regular salary.
Virtual Learning

Virtual Learning

Virtual learning opportunities for professional development enable you to participate flexibly and from any location.
Massage / Back Training

Massage / Back Training

At our headquarters, we offer you the opportunity to enjoy a massage or back trainings in the immediate proximity of your workplace.
Tariff-based Future Payment

Tariff-based Future Payment

You can use this additional annual tariff benefit for different purposes - depending on your individual situation.


Many specialist departments work in interdisciplinary teams with different cultures and languages.
Company Medical Service

Company Medical Service

The company medical service is available for consultation, first aid in the event of occupational accidents or reintegration.
Direct Insurance

Direct Insurance

Fresenius supports you in setting up your direct insurance – so you can benefit from the attractive conditions of our Group agreement.
Ethical Business Practices

Ethical Business Practices

We are committed to good corporate citizenship - living up to our responsibilities to our partners, society and the environment.
Accident Insurance

Accident Insurance

At Fresenius, you are covered for accidents every day of the year, anywhere in the world. In addition, you can also insure your family.


Everybody is welcome with us – regardless of gender, age, origin, nationality, religion, disability, sexual identity and orientation.
Childcare Allowance

Childcare Allowance

If you have children, you can apply for a financial allowance which is transferred monthly in addition to your salary.
Career with a Purpose

Career with a Purpose

With your job, you make a valuable contribution to improving patients' quality of life around the world.
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At a glance

Earliest possible start:

As from now

Job Type:



Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA


Bad Homburg, DEU

Working condition:

Full time

Job Function:

General IT

Reference number:


Publishing date:


As long as the job ad is online, you can apply quickly and easily.

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Nicole Schultz
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We welcome diversity

At Fresenius all job applicants are welcome – regardless of gender, age, origin, nationality, religion, disability, sexual identity and orientation, or any other personal characteristics.

All terms used in this job advertisement to denote persons refer to all genders equally (male, female, diverse).

Careers with a purpose

When it’s not just a job, but your calling. When you have an impact on people’s lives every day. When you can’t imagine doing something else. Then you know it’s Fresenius.

„The whole environment is just plain positive: the healthcare group is solid and growth-oriented, just like the industry itself. This gives me ways to develop and shape my career. A special motivation for me: the well-being of our patients.”
Christian Wagner,Vice President Corporate Finance, Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA