Your talent is our future! Find the right place for your development with us.
Start and duration of training: May and November for 18 months.
The practical training takes place at Helios Klinikum Emil von Behring in Berlin- Zehlendorf, a hospital with 507 beds.
The Helios Klinikum Emil von Behring, academic teaching hospital of the Charité, is a hospital for qualified specialist care with 507 beds and 60 private beds in the attractive southwest of Berlin.
Helios is the leading hospital operator in Europe. Collegial and interdisciplinary cooperation and the rapid implementation of innovations guarantee our patients the best possible care. This creates a unique space in which you too can deepen your knowledge, develop your talents, contribute your ideas and shape the future together with us.
The address of your new training position is:
Helios Clinic Emil von Behring
Walterhöferstraße 11
14165 Berlin
and is just a few clicks away - start something new with us!
Equal opportunities in the workplace are important to us. That is why we expressly encourage people with disabilities, of any gender identity and origin to apply.
For further information, please contact Ms. Cornelia Sprang or Ms. Britta Parchmann as training officer of the Nursing Directorate on (030) 8102-1361.
Please send us your complete application documents (including your last school report or proof of your school-leaving certificate in the original language and a German translation) online via our application portal.
Helios Clinic Emil von Behring
Walterhöferstraße 11
14165 Berlin
Please submit your application in German. As long as the job ad is online, you can apply quickly and easily.
At Fresenius all job applicants are welcome – regardless of gender, age, origin, nationality, religion, disability, sexual identity and orientation, or any other personal characteristics.
All terms used in this job advertisement to denote persons refer to all genders equally (male, female, diverse).
When it’s not just a job, but your calling. When you have an impact on people’s lives every day. When you can’t imagine doing something else. Then you know it’s Fresenius.